They walk among us
Gentle spirits of the light.
Greeting us with smiles
On this journey we call life.

Amidst the endless chatter
And distracting rush of noise,
A helping hand extended
A word of kindness shared.

Be open and observant
As you move from here to there.
Or you’ll miss the generous gestures
All around you.  Everywhere.

I spent some time recently in my beloved Joshua Tree, a small high desert community located above Palm Springs.  Before heading home, I stopped in to view the current art exhibition at the newly built, Hi-Desert Cultural Center. The place was in a flurry of activity – chairs, backdrops, musical instruments, and large electrical cords taped to the floor everywhere.  I was greeted by Kathleen Radnich, an executive board member, who informed me that unfortunately the gallery was closed for a special holiday concert.  After having made several attempts to visit, I was deeply disappointed.

In the midst of the chaos, Kathleen took the time to personally show me around the exhibit (ensuring my safety around lighting and cords). In addition she invited me to attend the concert as her guest.  After learning I was an artist, Kathleen introduced me to the Executive Curator Michael McCall, where we had a chance to discuss his vision for the center and the upcoming exhibits for next year.

When you look around your world, can you pick out a few people who have extended a hand or helped you in some unexpected ways?

They Walk Among Us, is inspired by those open hearted, angelic beings we meet who surprise us with their generosity and kindness.

Kathleen, this one’s for you.


If you have a chance, visit the newly built Hi-Desert Cultural Center – a state-of-the-art 15,000 sq. ft. facility.  It’s not to be missed.
